all postcodes in M21 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M21 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M21 9HF 38 1 53.442086 -2.289943
M21 9HG 18 0 53.439508 -2.281706
M21 9HH 96 0 53.441388 -2.288508
M21 9HJ 34 0 53.444868 -2.291814
M21 9HN 16 0 53.437939 -2.283834
M21 9HP 68 2 53.441625 -2.279733
M21 9HQ 74 0 53.441631 -2.281118
M21 9HR 21 0 53.439426 -2.282218
M21 9HS 16 2 53.438587 -2.283281
M21 9HT 48 0 53.439848 -2.282552
M21 9HU 13 0 53.439459 -2.283242
M21 9HW 18 0 53.438388 -2.284123
M21 9HX 30 0 53.438611 -2.284636
M21 9HY 19 0 53.438376 -2.285116
M21 9HZ 22 0 53.438971 -2.284458
M21 9JA 10 2 53.438725 -2.285811
M21 9JB 38 0 53.439534 -2.285861
M21 9JD 14 0 53.439512 -2.283934
M21 9JE 4 0 53.440847 -2.285554
M21 9JF 51 0 53.441604 -2.284611