all postcodes in M22 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M22 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M22 1BA 12 0 53.378387 -2.269382
M22 1BD 6 0 53.378116 -2.266028
M22 1BE 8 2 53.375359 -2.269167
M22 1BF 2 0 53.378545 -2.266316
M22 1BG 10 0 53.374817 -2.266053
M22 1BH 18 0 53.377066 -2.269283
M22 1BJ 9 0 53.37332 -2.268298
M22 1BN 37 0 53.376516 -2.266304
M22 1BP 22 0 53.375236 -2.267649
M22 1BQ 20 1 53.375007 -2.265738
M22 1BR 8 0 53.374611 -2.265991
M22 1BS 14 0 53.374625 -2.2676
M22 1BU 14 0 53.378004 -2.267846
M22 1BW 4 0 53.375517 -2.266794
M22 1BX 5 0 53.379218 -2.267538
M22 1DF 3 0 53.373725 -2.268195
M22 1DG 4 0 53.377854 -2.270611
M22 1ER 27 0 53.373448 -2.267472
M22 1ES 2 0 53.374439 -2.277503
M22 1GA 16 0 53.368495 -2.263398