all postcodes in M22 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M22 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M22 0AF 18 0 53.371602 -2.256729
M22 0BA 1 1 53.397233 -2.258733
M22 0BE 1 1 53.397233 -2.258733
M22 0BH 1 1 53.397233 -2.258733
M22 0BS 18 0 53.374759 -2.264113
M22 0BT 29 0 53.37495 -2.262882
M22 0BU 40 0 53.376432 -2.263477
M22 0BX 17 0 53.376921 -2.261812
M22 0BY 20 0 53.375987 -2.261325
M22 0BZ 14 0 53.375745 -2.260963
M22 0DA 15 0 53.376866 -2.262398
M22 0DB 10 0 53.375657 -2.260436
M22 0DD 18 0 53.375972 -2.259927
M22 0DE 18 0 53.375225 -2.260629
M22 0DF 12 0 53.374882 -2.261153
M22 0DG 13 0 53.376427 -2.261824
M22 0DH 15 0 53.374847 -2.260732
M22 0DJ 17 0 53.374935 -2.261694
M22 0DL 10 0 53.374206 -2.261795
M22 0DN 6 1 53.374829 -2.260069