all postcodes in M22 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M22 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M22 4FQ 12 0 53.410881 -2.257056
M22 4FR 8 1 53.411577 -2.255436
M22 4FS 20 0 53.411862 -2.256806
M22 4FW 19 1 53.410019 -2.25663
M22 4FY 46 16 53.407696 -2.257759
M22 4FZ 32 10 53.407757 -2.258407
M22 4GA 12 1 53.391916 -2.256686
M22 4GD 16 0 53.407982 -2.263326
M22 4GE 7 0 53.409775 -2.261502
M22 4GF 12 0 53.409959 -2.263504
M22 4GG 12 0 53.387498 -2.246255
M22 4QH 47 0 53.388878 -2.256578
M22 4GJ 24 0 53.387973 -2.255535
M22 4GP 4 0 53.387621 -2.247594
M22 4GQ 30 0 53.387777 -2.250331
M22 4GR 22 0 53.388765 -2.250728
M22 4GS 20 0 53.389005 -2.251887
M22 4GT 18 0 53.389118 -2.253692
M22 4GW 30 0 53.388424 -2.254515
M22 4GX 16 0 53.41006 -2.262572