all postcodes in M22 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M22 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M22 0DW 3 2 53.377098 -2.259077
M22 0DX 13 0 53.375005 -2.258418
M22 0DY 17 0 53.375689 -2.257926
M22 0DZ 11 0 53.375475 -2.257023
M22 0EA 32 0 53.374325 -2.257091
M22 0ED 15 0 53.373669 -2.256636
M22 0EE 15 0 53.373397 -2.258003
M22 0EF 16 0 53.374055 -2.25718
M22 0EG 8 0 53.373569 -2.257312
M22 0EH 8 0 53.372409 -2.256658
M22 0EJ 27 3 53.373261 -2.258287
M22 0EL 11 0 53.370863 -2.257401
M22 0EN 3 0 53.370916 -2.257867
M22 0EP 1 1 53.370756 -2.256528
M22 0EQ 12 0 53.371437 -2.257961
M22 0ER 5 0 53.371582 -2.25742
M22 0EX 4 0 53.370937 -2.256545
M22 0EZ 8 0 53.369718 -2.259243
M22 0FA 29 0 53.373313 -2.255131
M22 0FB 22 0 53.373517 -2.25632