all postcodes in M23 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M23 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M23 2GP 24 0 53.386892 -2.280291
M23 2GQ 10 0 53.386275 -2.279144
M23 2GW 11 0 53.390107 -2.281605
M23 2PU 28 0 53.385886 -2.287486
M23 2QA 1 0 53.391567 -2.280156
M23 2QB 10 0 53.386753 -2.28214
M23 2QE 23 0 53.391565 -2.280743
M23 2QF 12 0 53.391733 -2.282127
M23 2QG 12 0 53.386576 -2.281206
M23 2QH 36 0 53.391525 -2.282758
M23 2QJ 12 0 53.390501 -2.282405
M23 2QL 20 0 53.3896 -2.283346
M23 2QN 31 0 53.389053 -2.282501
M23 2QP 21 0 53.388732 -2.281401
M23 2QQ 27 0 53.387052 -2.2813
M23 2QT 11 0 53.380136 -2.290138
M23 2QU 6 0 53.380214 -2.291311
M23 2QW 13 0 53.388889 -2.283567
M23 2RD 1 0 53.384692 -2.283163
M23 2RE 1 1 53.385296 -2.286505