all postcodes in M23 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M23 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M23 2RF 7 0 53.386351 -2.284979
M23 2RG 22 0 53.388447 -2.287774
M23 2RH 9 0 53.386809 -2.285132
M23 2RN 23 0 53.388026 -2.287305
M23 2RP 36 0 53.388138 -2.285667
M23 2RQ 23 0 53.389384 -2.287074
M23 2RR 18 0 53.38754 -2.287783
M23 2RS 10 0 53.38717 -2.288036
M23 2RT 28 0 53.386505 -2.288257
M23 2RU 9 0 53.383808 -2.28451
M23 2RW 36 1 53.387805 -2.285981
M23 2RX 1 1 53.386427 -2.287039
M23 2RY 12 0 53.386168 -2.286406
M23 2SA 3 0 53.387421 -2.288489
M23 2SB 5 0 53.387172 -2.28736
M23 2SD 3 0 53.384324 -2.286197
M23 2SG 49 0 53.384466 -2.283763
M23 2SH 44 1 53.385182 -2.288925
M23 2SJ 61 0 53.386987 -2.289569
M23 2SL 38 0 53.385224 -2.290233