all postcodes in M23 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M23 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M23 0QB 14 0 53.401311 -2.29105
M23 0QD 18 0 53.401078 -2.290732
M23 0QE 21 0 53.409808 -2.29711
M23 0QF 10 0 53.409036 -2.296804
M23 0QH 50 0 53.403517 -2.292674
M23 0QJ 21 0 53.402295 -2.293117
M23 0QL 17 0 53.400941 -2.291664
M23 0QN 43 3 53.401325 -2.288899
M23 0QW 70 0 53.401692 -2.289593
M23 0RJ 6 0 53.409247 -2.287629
M23 0RL 10 0 53.411761 -2.281463
M23 0RP 12 0 53.411968 -2.285225
M23 0RU 6 0 53.408406 -2.282298
M23 0UE 8 0 53.413773 -2.282033
M23 0WA 22 0 53.411622 -2.286817
M23 0WB 5 0 53.410152 -2.285123
M23 0WD 8 0 53.410277 -2.288705
M23 0WG 16 0 53.410093 -2.287514
M23 0WJ 8 0 53.410175 -2.283288
M23 0WL 18 0 53.409578 -2.284622