all postcodes in M23 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M23 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M23 0BD 1 0 53.415215 -2.276761
M23 0BE 9 0 53.408648 -2.275124
M23 0BG 23 0 53.409768 -2.275944
M23 0BH 22 0 53.407963 -2.27169
M23 0BJ 32 0 53.408553 -2.273499
M23 0BL 12 0 53.40893 -2.273652
M23 0BN 24 0 53.408442 -2.274476
M23 0BP 35 0 53.408627 -2.276132
M23 0BQ 17 0 53.410246 -2.275902
M23 0BR 30 1 53.409659 -2.276936
M23 0BS 26 0 53.409594 -2.277793
M23 0BT 43 1 53.409691 -2.278636
M23 0BU 8 2 53.410808 -2.27756
M23 0BW 1 1 53.409104 -2.275879
M23 0BX 48 7 53.411045 -2.276463
M23 0BY 12 0 53.410663 -2.27443
M23 0BZ 26 0 53.411282 -2.274991
M23 0DA 10 0 53.410737 -2.273257
M23 0DB 16 0 53.410135 -2.273163
M23 0DD 1 1 53.409862 -2.270694