all postcodes in M23 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M23 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M23 0DE 15 0 53.409344 -2.273263
M23 0DF 23 2 53.408153 -2.271165
M23 0DG 10 0 53.410529 -2.273797
M23 0DH 4 0 53.409137 -2.27248
M23 0DJ 2 1 53.407213 -2.269038
M23 0DL 8 0 53.410489 -2.267915
M23 0DN 5 0 53.411038 -2.267723
M23 0DP 4 0 53.410693 -2.26921
M23 0DQ 12 0 53.412873 -2.270999
M23 0DR 19 0 53.411612 -2.268148
M23 0DS 18 0 53.41001 -2.268875
M23 0DT 13 0 53.411995 -2.269414
M23 0DU 15 0 53.41124 -2.26977
M23 0DW 16 0 53.413667 -2.273472
M23 0DX 24 0 53.410717 -2.270218
M23 0DY 17 0 53.411369 -2.272238
M23 0DZ 32 0 53.4111 -2.2718
M23 0EA 11 2 53.412086 -2.273115
M23 0EB 14 0 53.41262 -2.271569
M23 0ED 18 0 53.412786 -2.273782