all postcodes in M26 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M26 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M26 2GR 24 0 53.567067 -2.309128
M26 2GS 5 0 53.566768 -2.309926
M26 2GT 11 0 53.566142 -2.308805
M26 2GU 13 0 53.563033 -2.318761
M26 2GW 39 0 53.570287 -2.304712
M26 2GX 21 0 53.564281 -2.319163
M26 2GY 5 1 53.563745 -2.317104
M26 2GZ 32 0 53.564573 -2.317777
M26 2HF 12 0 53.570205 -2.301647
M26 2JG 14 0 53.56644 -2.3116
M26 2JR 1 1 53.571408 -2.312724
M26 2JS 1 1 53.561724 -2.327553
M26 2JW 1 1 53.562011 -2.327646
M26 2LA 2 0 53.571586 -2.319458
M26 2ND 31 0 53.565258 -2.31674
M26 2PB 5 0 53.564729 -2.309595
M26 2PE 3 0 53.567538 -2.307592
M26 2PF 12 0 53.56336 -2.310611
M26 2PG 13 2 53.563815 -2.311035
M26 2PH 2 0 53.567121 -2.308312