all postcodes in M26 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M26 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M26 1AA 1 1 53.558752 -2.326458
M26 1AB 10 9 53.558805 -2.325898
M26 1AD 15 10 53.559101 -2.326127
M26 1AG 48 0 53.552477 -2.326636
M26 1AH 4 0 53.547956 -2.351426
M26 1AJ 5 3 53.557957 -2.324475
M26 1AL 8 7 53.556346 -2.324415
M26 1AN 3 0 53.544677 -2.360426
M26 1AQ 35 3 53.554967 -2.326475
M26 1AR 8 0 53.54542 -2.361383
M26 1AS 2 1 53.542382 -2.354745
M26 1AT 9 0 53.543393 -2.359932
M26 1AW 17 1 53.554799 -2.324705
M26 1AY 29 0 53.551868 -2.325892
M26 1AZ 39 0 53.553596 -2.325075
M26 1BA 14 0 53.543811 -2.36146
M26 1BB 25 0 53.543774 -2.361882
M26 1BD 26 0 53.54285 -2.361391
M26 1BE 42 0 53.553354 -2.324877
M26 1BF 14 0 53.549214 -2.326702