all postcodes in M26 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M26 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M26 4EE 38 3 53.56941 -2.336703
M26 4EF 26 0 53.569241 -2.336143
M26 4EJ 18 0 53.567095 -2.33223
M26 4EP 1 0 53.578306 -2.35023
M26 4EQ 8 0 53.567133 -2.328274
M26 4ER 6 0 53.56826 -2.326803
M26 4ES 4 1 53.568809 -2.335579
M26 4ET 35 0 53.567393 -2.33495
M26 4EU 4 2 53.570614 -2.329825
M26 4EW 64 0 53.564572 -2.334611
M26 4EX 17 0 53.569089 -2.335764
M26 4EY 29 0 53.57118 -2.337049
M26 4EZ 28 1 53.571104 -2.337515
M26 4FA 55 4 53.565786 -2.334228
M26 4FB 2 0 53.574373 -2.338553
M26 4FD 45 5 53.567454 -2.335751
M26 4FE 9 0 53.57476 -2.338631
M26 4FF 28 0 53.57297 -2.336791
M26 4FG 22 0 53.570616 -2.333149
M26 4FH 19 0 53.571971 -2.337101