all postcodes in M26 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M26 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M26 1EJ 7 0 53.54971 -2.37532
M26 1EL 1 1 53.538044 -2.35717
M26 1EN 22 0 53.539251 -2.362447
M26 1EP 7 0 53.546583 -2.35442
M26 1EQ 51 0 53.54084 -2.363124
M26 1ER 61 0 53.542289 -2.362397
M26 1ES 9 0 53.540711 -2.361207
M26 1ET 21 0 53.544929 -2.360503
M26 1EU 32 1 53.541787 -2.355904
M26 1EW 3 1 53.538121 -2.345762
M26 1EX 31 0 53.54196 -2.355151
M26 1EY 34 0 53.544845 -2.361348
M26 1EZ 40 0 53.544929 -2.363159
M26 1FA 3 0 53.549525 -2.35034
M26 1FE 9 0 53.554298 -2.318243
M26 1FG 18 0 53.554035 -2.318905
M26 1FH 1 1 53.550736 -2.314968
M26 1FJ 9 0 53.55117 -2.368043
M26 1FL 1 1 53.539938 -2.352101
M26 1FN 12 0 53.552851 -2.314459