all postcodes in M27 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M27 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M27 9BA 27 0 53.518367 -2.360685
M27 9EF 2 0 53.51879 -2.345016
M27 9GB 4 0 53.51874 -2.359421
M27 9GG 13 0 53.519155 -2.35591
M27 9GJ 42 0 53.517317 -2.357358
M27 9GL 24 0 53.518425 -2.362344
M27 9GN 1 0 53.521415 -2.36053
M27 9GP 16 0 53.518885 -2.358894
M27 9GQ 28 0 53.518389 -2.356326
M27 9GR 13 0 53.519849 -2.355162
M27 9GS 16 0 53.520287 -2.35586
M27 9GT 26 0 53.518971 -2.354099
M27 9GU 35 0 53.518561 -2.3531
M27 9GW 25 2 53.517947 -2.357092
M27 9GX 10 0 53.518266 -2.355556
M27 9GY 4 0 53.518147 -2.353278
M27 9LE 15 4 53.511198 -2.353522
M27 9HF 9 9 53.515716 -2.353995
M27 9HH 3 3 53.515677 -2.352669
M27 9HJ 73 0 53.520465 -2.340975