all postcodes in M29 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M29 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M29 8JD 11 0 53.513449 -2.476457
M29 8JE 23 2 53.513089 -2.474448
M29 8JF 41 0 53.512074 -2.481102
M29 8JG 32 0 53.514034 -2.47191
M29 8JH 15 0 53.512482 -2.480081
M29 8JJ 10 1 53.513593 -2.474242
M29 8JL 12 0 53.513327 -2.475732
M29 8JN 1 1 53.513765 -2.478452
M29 8JP 21 0 53.512931 -2.482499
M29 8JQ 16 0 53.513942 -2.476825
M29 8JR 18 0 53.514487 -2.473182
M29 8JS 27 0 53.513758 -2.473415
M29 8JT 9 0 53.51382 -2.475873
M29 8JU 17 0 53.514184 -2.472635
M29 8JX 6 0 53.5134 -2.475266
M29 8JY 8 0 53.512664 -2.481727
M29 8LA 25 0 53.512786 -2.473886
M29 8LB 12 0 53.512777 -2.480612
M29 8LD 10 0 53.514519 -2.472006
M29 8LE 1 1 53.518063 -2.459814