all postcodes in M29 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M29 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M29 8LG 12 0 53.523205 -2.468844
M29 8LH 33 0 53.522176 -2.467656
M29 8LJ 20 0 53.52192 -2.466387
M29 8LL 34 0 53.521968 -2.465618
M29 8LN 26 2 53.521865 -2.466838
M29 8LP 30 0 53.524163 -2.469956
M29 8LQ 32 0 53.522924 -2.469565
M29 8LR 8 0 53.523253 -2.470444
M29 8LS 48 0 53.524114 -2.470815
M29 8LT 39 0 53.525084 -2.466572
M29 8LU 77 0 53.523843 -2.466724
M29 8LW 20 0 53.523375 -2.469193
M29 8LX 10 0 53.524346 -2.469068
M29 8LY 20 0 53.524465 -2.468541
M29 8NA 1 0 53.528802 -2.457909
M29 8NB 1 0 53.526387 -2.452633
M29 8ND 2 0 53.52423 -2.454751
M29 8NE 1 0 53.519166 -2.460444
M29 8NF 22 0 53.524455 -2.466339
M29 8NG 24 0 53.514293 -2.444195