all postcodes in M2 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M2 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M2 6AJ 1 0 53.481384 -2.245804
M2 7AE 6 3 53.482446 -2.244952
M2 7AQ 11 10 53.481906 -2.244645
M2 7AR 4 3 53.48124 -2.244972
M2 7AT 3 2 53.481259 -2.245306
M2 7AY 2 2 53.481259 -2.245111
M2 7AZ 1 0 53.481242 -2.245005
M2 7BR 9 3 53.482896 -2.244577
M2 7DA 5 0 53.482896 -2.244577
M2 7DD 7 3 53.482896 -2.244577
M2 7DH 1 1 53.482879 -2.244502
M2 7EA 17 13 53.482635 -2.245043
M2 7EE 3 3 53.483031 -2.244593
M2 7EF 4 4 53.482446 -2.244952
M2 7EN 9 4 53.482896 -2.244577
M2 7EP 8 5 53.482896 -2.244577
M2 7FE 2 1 53.48304 -2.244593
M2 7FL 1 1 53.482896 -2.244593
M2 7HA 16 16 53.48284 -2.245632
M2 7HG 2 2 53.48219 -2.246198