all postcodes in M2 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M2 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M2 1AB 9 9 53.481581 -2.241662
M2 1JR 1 0 53.481935 -2.243258
M2 1DH 0 53.481614 -2.242368
M2 1HB 0 53.481909 -2.243879
M2 2AA 5 5 53.481764 -2.24005
M2 2AN 13 12 53.480351 -2.240871
M2 2AS 2 2 53.480503 -2.24152
M2 2AW 1 1 53.481085 -2.24134
M2 2BE 5 3 53.480717 -2.241052
M2 2BG 5 4 53.480754 -2.241793
M2 2BQ 4 4 53.480176 -2.241923
M2 2BY 9 9 53.480162 -2.241141
M2 2EE 10 10 53.479628 -2.242025
M2 2FE 1 0 53.479944 -2.24221
M2 2FW 5 4 53.479286 -2.24237
M2 2JG 3 3 53.479988 -2.242632
M2 2JJ 1 1 53.480986 -2.242351
M2 2JT 14 53.48023 -2.24292
M2 3WQ 16 53.47612 -2.243497
M2 3AB 1 1 53.475715 -2.244355