all postcodes in M30 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M30 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M30 0DZ 51 0 53.488609 -2.331872
M30 0EA 25 15 53.483867 -2.336505
M30 0EB 10 6 53.483373 -2.336638
M30 0ED 20 0 53.482323 -2.332983
M30 0EE 22 0 53.48246 -2.332261
M30 0EF 28 0 53.483019 -2.331768
M30 0EG 18 0 53.481191 -2.339183
M30 0EJ 6 5 53.482659 -2.338336
M30 0EL 1 1 53.482394 -2.339855
M30 0EN 2 1 53.482049 -2.340364
M30 0EP 1 1 53.482845 -2.339317
M30 0EQ 17 1 53.482696 -2.34058
M30 0ES 28 0 53.480499 -2.33886
M30 0ET 6 1 53.480102 -2.339203
M30 0EU 1 0 53.482818 -2.332791
M30 0EW 4 1 53.483014 -2.339966
M30 0EX 46 0 53.480925 -2.34046
M30 0EY 3 3 53.481112 -2.341396
M30 0EZ 62 1 53.480144 -2.340772
M30 0FA 5 0 53.480412 -2.338092