all postcodes in M30 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M30 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M30 0FB 20 0 53.481473 -2.34134
M30 0FD 12 0 53.481786 -2.34184
M30 0FE 30 0 53.483094 -2.346507
M30 0FF 11 0 53.48168 -2.347429
M30 0FG 36 1 53.480361 -2.34338
M30 0FH 1 1 53.482596 -2.33505
M30 0FJ 13 1 53.482379 -2.341799
M30 0FL 1 1 53.481317 -2.341985
M30 0FN 5 3 53.482389 -2.337865
M30 0FP 29 0 53.479809 -2.341432
M30 0FQ 43 0 53.479494 -2.34161
M30 0FR 7 0 53.479539 -2.344322
M30 0FS 24 0 53.480391 -2.345656
M30 0FT 50 0 53.482103 -2.347177
M30 0FU 51 1 53.482743 -2.346353
M30 0FW 28 0 53.481748 -2.342397
M30 0FX 46 0 53.482109 -2.348005
M30 0FY 24 0 53.482403 -2.349123
M30 0FZ 52 0 53.480074 -2.346286
M30 0GA 53 0 53.480777 -2.354881