all postcodes in M31 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M31 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M31 4ES 21 1 53.414798 -2.427149
M31 4ET 22 0 53.414194 -2.427534
M31 4EU 11 0 53.414303 -2.429882
M31 4EW 7 0 53.415932 -2.426709
M31 4EX 15 0 53.415888 -2.429101
M31 4EY 20 1 53.416877 -2.428795
M31 4EZ 9 0 53.417329 -2.428333
M31 4FA 20 0 53.416085 -2.4217
M31 4FB 15 1 53.420195 -2.426105
M31 4FD 8 0 53.415841 -2.421909
M31 4FE 9 0 53.41662 -2.422909
M31 4FF 14 0 53.416291 -2.424275
M31 4FG 13 0 53.415749 -2.4226
M31 4FH 4 0 53.41465 -2.428321
M31 4FJ 7 0 53.414652 -2.427764
M31 4FL 14 11 53.417437 -2.425053
M31 4FN 20 0 53.415393 -2.426689
M31 4FP 11 0 53.415391 -2.424657
M31 4FQ 18 0 53.416546 -2.42339
M31 4FR 10 0 53.415147 -2.425061