all postcodes in M31 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M31 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M31 4LW 9 1 53.416192 -2.436747
M31 4LX 22 0 53.415534 -2.432407
M31 4LY 33 0 53.415945 -2.433254
M31 4LZ 5 0 53.41533 -2.431668
M31 4NA 11 0 53.415833 -2.431673
M31 4NB 11 0 53.416768 -2.431622
M31 4ND 16 1 53.417533 -2.431344
M31 4NE 19 0 53.418341 -2.431713
M31 4NF 34 0 53.417936 -2.434358
M31 4NG 5 0 53.416125 -2.43786
M31 4NH 30 0 53.41885 -2.430214
M31 4NJ 8 0 53.419307 -2.428187
M31 4NL 17 3 53.417053 -2.430075
M31 4NN 19 0 53.412643 -2.434033
M31 4NP 16 0 53.411966 -2.434688
M31 4NQ 17 0 53.41216 -2.435878
M31 4NR 19 1 53.4193 -2.42745
M31 4NS 12 0 53.415471 -2.429864
M31 4NT 12 0 53.41477 -2.429932
M31 4PA 18 0 53.419507 -2.430025