all postcodes in M32 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M32 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M32 0YN 16 0 53.455608 -2.292159
M32 0YT 1 1 53.445444 -2.30591
M32 0YU 1 1 53.445444 -2.30591
M32 0YW 28 7 53.45419 -2.295221
M32 0YY 1 1 53.445444 -2.30591
M32 0YZ 1 1 53.445444 -2.30591
M32 0ZD 3 3 53.461185 -2.328178
M32 0ZE 2 2 53.460095 -2.332221
M32 0ZF 8 5 53.46071 -2.331021
M32 0ZH 30 25 53.462958 -2.330497
M32 0ZL 9 0 53.452966 -2.299324
M32 0ZN 12 0 53.455522 -2.290728
M32 0ZP 18 0 53.457244 -2.292291
M32 0ZS 1 1 53.458331 -2.292675
M32 0ZW 8 0 53.454518 -2.289486
M32 0EG 54 0 53.447944 -2.305326
M32 0NU 8 0 53.453411 -2.304627
M32 0RB 1 1 53.457481 -2.294461
M32 0ZT 1 1 53.445444 -2.30591
M32 0QL 1 53.457439 -2.296509