all postcodes in M32 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M32 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M32 0YH 1 1 53.458999 -2.287483
M32 0UT 4 53.460231 -2.325295
M32 0TB 9 53.461716 -2.327806
M32 0TP 3 53.461496 -2.326675
M32 0TR 11 53.46217 -2.326198
M32 0UX 2 2 53.459016 -2.287483
M32 0YQ 3 53.458468 -2.325793
M32 0SZ 8 53.456204 -2.322041
M32 0QT 3 53.461574 -2.324507
M32 0QY 6 53.460517 -2.323264
M32 0RP 1 1 53.458999 -2.287483
M32 0SH 1 1 53.458999 -2.287483
M32 0SJ 1 1 53.458999 -2.287483
M32 0SN 1 1 53.458999 -2.287483
M32 0SU 1 1 53.458999 -2.287483
M32 0SW 1 1 53.458999 -2.287483
M32 0TD 1 1 53.458999 -2.287483
M32 0TJ 1 1 53.458999 -2.287483
M32 0UR 1 1 53.458999 -2.287483
M32 0WG 1 1 53.458999 -2.287483