all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 5NG 0 53.429743 -2.347893
M33 5NH 0 53.428834 -2.345072
M33 5NJ 0 53.429607 -2.351143
M33 5NL 9 53.430588 -2.3538
M33 5NN 0 53.430619 -2.349571
M33 5NP 0 53.431393 -2.34896
M33 5NQ 0 53.430354 -2.347853
M33 5NR 0 53.429167 -2.344894
M33 5NS 0 53.43114 -2.352616
M33 5NT 0 53.427865 -2.356772
M33 5NU 0 53.427047 -2.356645
M33 5NW 1 53.430607 -2.350399
M33 5NY 0 53.426889 -2.355395
M33 5NZ 0 53.429634 -2.357163
M33 5PA 0 53.425989 -2.333581
M33 5PB 0 53.42552 -2.331531
M33 5PD 58 53.424863 -2.331857
M33 5PE 0 53.426213 -2.337616
M33 5PF 0 53.427399 -2.340831
M33 5PG 9 53.430513 -2.342511