all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 5PH 0 53.429338 -2.341629
M33 5PJ 0 53.429431 -2.340742
M33 5PL 8 53.428597 -2.342631
M33 5PN 24 53.42966 -2.342384
M33 5PP 11 53.429643 -2.341857
M33 5PQ 0 53.429816 -2.341272
M33 5PR 0 53.430022 -2.341514
M33 5PT 0 53.431149 -2.34354
M33 5PU 0 53.432055 -2.344119
M33 5PW 0 53.429263 -2.342712
M33 5PX 0 53.432106 -2.345068
M33 5PY 0 53.431771 -2.345848
M33 5PZ 0 53.432119 -2.346799
M33 5QA 0 53.431749 -2.347262
M33 5QB 0 53.431155 -2.344579
M33 5QD 0 53.430373 -2.344557
M33 5QF 0 53.430118 -2.345548
M33 5QG 0 53.432284 -2.342405
M33 5QH 2 53.428971 -2.341114
M33 5QJ 0 53.427119 -2.338331