all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 2RU 18 0 53.416509 -2.29183
M33 2RW 18 0 53.414394 -2.296375
M33 2RX 20 0 53.417855 -2.292622
M33 2RY 25 0 53.41775 -2.291523
M33 2RZ 20 0 53.41728 -2.292693
M33 2SA 6 0 53.418383 -2.293123
M33 2SB 22 0 53.418427 -2.293965
M33 2SD 18 0 53.417536 -2.294516
M33 2SE 10 0 53.416987 -2.294783
M33 2SF 34 0 53.417279 -2.29325
M33 2SJ 14 0 53.4173 -2.295342
M33 2SL 12 0 53.417741 -2.295164
M33 2SN 6 0 53.416923 -2.295429
M33 2SQ 18 0 53.419207 -2.302276
M33 2SR 16 5 53.419691 -2.302611
M33 2SS 7 0 53.419172 -2.301749
M33 2ST 50 0 53.418056 -2.302163
M33 2SU 4 0 53.41938 -2.301299
M33 2SX 21 0 53.417899 -2.300281
M33 2SY 20 0 53.418456 -2.30039