all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 2LX 6 6 53.42873 -2.293344
M33 2LY 11 0 53.416954 -2.286056
M33 2LZ 18 0 53.425026 -2.297035
M33 2NA 12 0 53.425783 -2.299885
M33 2NB 23 0 53.4269 -2.29905
M33 2ND 20 0 53.428044 -2.297854
M33 2NE 23 0 53.426561 -2.297979
M33 2NF 24 0 53.428136 -2.297042
M33 2NG 12 2 53.427363 -2.300874
M33 2NH 14 0 53.426636 -2.29655
M33 2NJ 21 0 53.429171 -2.30018
M33 2NL 25 0 53.428098 -2.301632
M33 2NP 12 0 53.416332 -2.286864
M33 2NQ 8 0 53.417784 -2.28883
M33 2NR 16 0 53.418736 -2.289047
M33 2NT 20 0 53.418479 -2.291167
M33 2PA 22 2 53.41959 -2.300067
M33 2PB 36 0 53.41836 -2.299246
M33 2PD 35 0 53.418543 -2.297998
M33 2PE 36 0 53.418499 -2.297547