all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 3LR 22 0 53.412626 -2.309691
M33 3LS 17 0 53.411935 -2.30904
M33 3LT 13 0 53.419618 -2.306628
M33 3LW 26 0 53.41188 -2.31289
M33 3LY 37 0 53.421919 -2.316982
M33 3LZ 1 0 53.413801 -2.324203
M33 3NA 18 1 53.41776 -2.322774
M33 3NB 24 1 53.417047 -2.322919
M33 3ND 37 12 53.417325 -2.320468
M33 3NE 21 10 53.417748 -2.320261
M33 3NF 10 0 53.417791 -2.317719
M33 3NG 15 0 53.41535 -2.312705
M33 3NH 1 1 53.418113 -2.315028
M33 3NJ 8 0 53.416504 -2.318536
M33 3NL 58 2 53.415452 -2.318514
M33 3NN 12 1 53.417739 -2.313746
M33 3NP 21 0 53.416844 -2.312129
M33 3NQ 25 0 53.415709 -2.313189
M33 3NR 16 0 53.417437 -2.322546
M33 3NS 4 0 53.416563 -2.3164