all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 3NT 6 0 53.416399 -2.317227
M33 3NU 4 0 53.415454 -2.313534
M33 3NW 7 1 53.417404 -2.311276
M33 3NX 6 0 53.417282 -2.313171
M33 3NY 12 0 53.409583 -2.314168
M33 3NZ 11 0 53.417317 -2.313577
M33 3PA 8 0 53.409957 -2.319556
M33 3PB 9 0 53.408371 -2.317693
M33 3PD 26 0 53.410608 -2.318372
M33 3PE 27 0 53.406485 -2.317017
M33 3PF 16 0 53.406335 -2.316114
M33 3PG 22 0 53.407528 -2.310136
M33 3PH 10 0 53.406892 -2.316133
M33 3PJ 52 1 53.407595 -2.315521
M33 3PL 16 0 53.409149 -2.315879
M33 3PN 25 0 53.408958 -2.31338
M33 3PP 23 0 53.408029 -2.314487
M33 3PQ 28 0 53.407891 -2.312259
M33 3PR 12 0 53.408246 -2.310728
M33 3PS 18 0 53.408331 -2.309089