all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 3UY 13 0 53.410047 -2.32956
M33 3UZ 6 0 53.411043 -2.33029
M33 3WB 24 3 53.416854 -2.321909
M33 3WD 33 0 53.416905 -2.319653
M33 3WE 24 1 53.417307 -2.317203
M33 3WF 20 0 53.416834 -2.319186
M33 3WG 2 0 53.41692 -2.316795
M33 3WH 15 0 53.415578 -2.315144
M33 3WJ 70 0 53.415211 -2.32119
M33 3WL 17 0 53.415184 -2.314449
M33 3WN 30 0 53.416774 -2.314882
M33 3WP 10 0 53.416294 -2.312742
M33 3WR 10 1 53.416629 -2.315423
M33 3WS 21 0 53.415903 -2.31444
M33 3WW 24 0 53.416794 -2.31416
M33 3YA 5 1 53.418574 -2.324089
M33 3YB 1 1 53.417799 -2.324655
M33 3YG 12 0 53.415563 -2.324066
M33 3YN 25 0 53.41678 -2.309225
M33 3YP 12 0 53.417288 -2.317655