all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 3RX 25 0 53.409352 -2.327268
M33 3RY 22 0 53.409863 -2.327814
M33 3RZ 28 0 53.410132 -2.327981
M33 3SA 24 0 53.409565 -2.324833
M33 3SB 3 0 53.409753 -2.315191
M33 3SD 8 6 53.416571 -2.326045
M33 3SE 24 0 53.415656 -2.322803
M33 3SF 6 0 53.416187 -2.326042
M33 3SG 29 0 53.415339 -2.326908
M33 3SH 22 5 53.415198 -2.325944
M33 3SJ 13 8 53.41489 -2.323549
M33 3SL 11 0 53.413393 -2.322184
M33 3SQ 9 8 53.416836 -2.325234
M33 3SR 2 0 53.413809 -2.323692
M33 3SS 1 1 53.41688 -2.325581
M33 3ST 18 0 53.4152 -2.325222
M33 3SU 27 0 53.416253 -2.324643
M33 3SX 2 0 53.414149 -2.324552
M33 3SY 30 1 53.413426 -2.326637
M33 3SZ 21 0 53.414209 -2.326177