all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0PB 3 3 53.494407 -2.160971
M35 0GY 0 53.510604 -2.162406
M35 0EJ 1 1 53.508488 -2.158734
M35 0BR 1 53.504491 -2.175394
M35 0HQ 1 1 53.493787 -2.162191
M35 0FF 8 8 53.509567 -2.158361
M35 0JL 1 1 53.494311 -2.16055
M35 0AT 1 53.509854 -2.159011
M35 0LF 0 53.510145 -2.162661
M35 0FA 2 2 53.505255 -2.175819
M35 0NF 0 53.505135 -2.171522
M35 0TB 1 0 53.507702 -2.160479