all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0UA 5 5 53.505752 -2.173681
M35 0UE 1 1 53.504214 -2.174473
M35 0UF 3 1 53.504512 -2.173917
M35 0UG 1 1 53.501945 -2.163216
M35 0WA 20 0 53.503164 -2.167368
M35 0WB 23 0 53.504202 -2.164372
M35 0WG 45 0 53.502175 -2.160821
M35 0WL 5 0 53.50358 -2.158716
M35 0WN 32 0 53.503679 -2.15846
M35 0WP 29 0 53.501664 -2.159478
M35 0WQ 18 0 53.501204 -2.161255
M35 0WR 17 0 53.502604 -2.162662
M35 0WS 24 0 53.503306 -2.161836
M35 0WT 31 0 53.501193 -2.16234
M35 0WU 15 0 53.500488 -2.159021
M35 0WW 18 0 53.502528 -2.15924
M35 0WX 38 0 53.499051 -2.157523
M35 0WY 6 0 53.502601 -2.158034
M35 0XB 3 1 53.506412 -2.165014
M35 0AD 1 1 53.509855 -2.156747