all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0DH 27 0 53.511886 -2.164733
M35 0DJ 24 0 53.510551 -2.161863
M35 0DL 22 3 53.510062 -2.163141
M35 0DN 39 0 53.511456 -2.16348
M35 0DP 9 0 53.509799 -2.164739
M35 0DQ 33 1 53.509088 -2.166532
M35 0DR 39 0 53.509564 -2.16676
M35 0DS 49 0 53.509969 -2.166294
M35 0DT 35 1 53.510428 -2.165979
M35 0DU 49 0 53.510599 -2.166131
M35 0DW 28 0 53.51034 -2.164878
M35 0DX 23 0 53.511688 -2.170144
M35 0DY 24 0 53.511608 -2.170583
M35 0DZ 54 0 53.511104 -2.164987
M35 0EA 14 0 53.50643 -2.158184
M35 0EB 24 2 53.505182 -2.15747
M35 0ED 6 0 53.50696 -2.158548
M35 0EF 18 0 53.511718 -2.162697
M35 0EH 1 1 53.511395 -2.155639
M35 0EL 3 0 53.508933 -2.161827