all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0EN 4 2 53.508563 -2.162836
M35 0EQ 17 0 53.507925 -2.162803
M35 0ES 21 3 53.506957 -2.160477
M35 0ET 28 0 53.506618 -2.158757
M35 0EU 36 0 53.506028 -2.156614
M35 0EW 32 0 53.508501 -2.162323
M35 0EX 1 0 53.504761 -2.156353
M35 0EY 25 0 53.505817 -2.159493
M35 0EZ 12 0 53.506195 -2.159057
M35 0FB 13 0 53.508031 -2.157556
M35 0FE 12 0 53.506017 -2.157805
M35 0FG 14 0 53.507662 -2.157404
M35 0FH 9 5 53.510935 -2.156813
M35 0FL 6 0 53.508763 -2.161555
M35 0FP 1 1 53.507072 -2.162167
M35 0FS 31 0 53.506635 -2.159888
M35 0FT 15 0 53.505281 -2.156853
M35 0FU 14 0 53.505561 -2.156236
M35 0FW 33 0 53.507953 -2.161672
M35 0FX 24 0 53.505718 -2.159387