all postcodes in M3 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M3 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M3 3WF 6 53.478652 -2.249706
M3 3AY 0 53.480618 -2.251119
M3 3GS 9 7 53.478765 -2.255054
M3 3AZ 1 1 53.480414 -2.253285
M3 4AE 1 0 53.478698 -2.252884
M3 4AL 1 1 53.478698 -2.253428
M3 4AN 90 0 53.47868 -2.253609
M3 4BG 3 3 53.477735 -2.250062
M3 4BQ 4 3 53.477977 -2.250049
M3 4DA 3 2 53.477706 -2.250301
M3 4DF 1 1 53.477947 -2.251631
M3 4DG 1 0 53.477642 -2.251538
M3 4DN 4 4 53.477436 -2.250814
M3 4DR 1 1 53.477641 -2.251644
M3 4DS 1 0 53.477659 -2.251719
M3 4DT 3 3 53.477731 -2.251916
M3 4DU 1 1 53.47776 -2.250725
M3 4DW 1 0 53.477597 -2.251312
M3 4DY 2 2 53.477803 -2.250829
M3 4DZ 1 1 53.477823 -2.251027