all postcodes in M3 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M3 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M3 4EA 2 2 53.477883 -2.251282
M3 4EB 2 2 53.477893 -2.25148
M3 4ED 2 1 53.47653 -2.249616
M3 4EL 1 1 53.476377 -2.250416
M3 4EN 15 12 53.477374 -2.249832
M3 4EW 9 3 53.476341 -2.250476
M3 4FG 84 0 53.476877 -2.251941
M3 4FH 3 3 53.476123 -2.251228
M3 4FJ 8 0 53.47771 -2.252682
M3 4FL 20 0 53.477414 -2.252878
M3 4FN 1 1 53.475916 -2.251287
M3 4FP 1 1 53.47672 -2.253748
M3 4FQ 60 0 53.477234 -2.253178
M3 4HE 1 1 53.47633 -2.251064
M3 4HH 1 1 53.47669 -2.25081
M3 4JB 4 3 53.477365 -2.250482
M3 4JH 5 1 53.47635 -2.258929
M3 4JJ 12 0 53.476675 -2.258102
M3 4JN 70 4 53.476749 -2.257304
M3 4JP 1 1 53.477247 -2.254759