all postcodes in M3 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M3 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M3 1NP 48 1 53.487997 -2.246837
M3 1NL 0 53.487862 -2.247153
M3 1FF 4 53.491721 -2.248785
M3 1NG 0 53.487397 -2.246035
M3 1LW 3 3 53.491343 -2.244895
M3 1LY 1 1 53.490479 -2.245206
M3 1LS 3 2 53.491063 -2.246554
M3 1PT 1 53.4902 -2.246564
M3 1WY 1 1 53.487845 -2.242225
M3 1NQ 0 53.487294 -2.247798
M3 1BE 1 53.484101 -2.243617
M3 1DA 1 53.487041 -2.243318
M3 2AB 1 0 53.480535 -2.247834
M3 2AY 4 2 53.48292 -2.24622
M3 2BB 13 3 53.48265 -2.246384
M3 2BQ 9 3 53.480994 -2.24758
M3 2BH 14 7 53.48265 -2.246384
M3 2BJ 12 5 53.48265 -2.246384
M3 2BW 12 6 53.482225 -2.246756
M3 2BY 2 0 53.480335 -2.247951