all postcodes in M4 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M4 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M4 4DU 2 0 53.488893 -2.238264
M4 4DW 29 1 53.488869 -2.237845
M4 4DX 91 90 53.488227 -2.23974
M4 4DY 1 0 53.487751 -2.239557
M4 4EJ 1 0 53.491211 -2.235552
M4 4EN 7 3 53.491135 -2.237375
M4 4ER 7 6 53.492594 -2.240624
M4 4ES 3 2 53.492153 -2.240893
M4 4FS 3 3 53.491881 -2.240949
M4 4EX 12 3 53.491315 -2.240674
M4 4EY 5 2 53.490756 -2.241907
M4 4EZ 3 1 53.490532 -2.242391
M4 4FG 6 5 53.492829 -2.239736
M4 4FP 3 3 53.491464 -2.239261
M4 4FT 1 0 53.491172 -2.2414
M4 4FY 5 5 53.490209 -2.241967
M4 4HA 38 0 53.48846 -2.235748
M4 4HF 17 8 53.489794 -2.238272
M4 4HT 1 1 53.487365 -2.234762
M4 4HU 1 1 53.488125 -2.232551