all postcodes in M4 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M4 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M4 4HY 4 2 53.488414 -2.231904
M4 4HZ 2 1 53.489808 -2.23001
M4 4JD 1 1 53.489611 -2.229994
M4 4FA 3 2 53.490427 -2.226246
M4 4JF 12 0 53.489732 -2.227463
M4 4JG 26 0 53.48952 -2.226952
M4 4JQ 4 3 53.488957 -2.230054
M4 4JR 4 3 53.48726 -2.233676
M4 4JS 4 4 53.490636 -2.234371
M4 4JT 2 2 53.4897 -2.234983
M4 4JW 4 3 53.490155 -2.236418
M4 4NL 1 1 53.492385 -2.232499
M4 4TF 38 0 53.489165 -2.233988
M4 4AL 50 0 53.488699 -2.233262
M4 4BZ 47 0 53.488264 -2.234692
M4 4AR 47 0 53.487965 -2.235986
M4 4AS 53 0 53.48766 -2.235623
M4 4AX 69 0 53.491051 -2.238957
M4 4AY 51 0 53.491033 -2.238957
M4 4HB 70 0 53.48866 -2.239336