all postcodes in M4 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M4 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M4 5EB 8 3 53.486154 -2.228938
M4 5EE 22 7 53.485684 -2.230292
M4 5EG 2 1 53.485756 -2.233786
M4 5EQ 1 1 53.485248 -2.232806
M4 5ET 1 0 53.486157 -2.232299
M4 5EU 2 2 53.486646 -2.234107
M4 5EY 4 2 53.486578 -2.23313
M4 5EZ 7 1 53.486864 -2.232813
M4 5FA 37 0 53.485704 -2.229267
M4 5FE 3 1 53.484815 -2.232289
M4 5FG 1 0 53.485781 -2.231634
M4 5FP 1 1 53.487086 -2.230616
M4 5FQ 2 1 53.485741 -2.232279
M4 5FR 1 0 53.485889 -2.231408
M4 5FS 5 2 53.486736 -2.229059
M4 5FT 3 2 53.486313 -2.234226
M4 5FU 3 1 53.486882 -2.233659
M4 5FX 1 0 53.487054 -2.233027
M4 5FY 4 4 53.486866 -2.231517
M4 5FZ 1 0 53.486727 -2.234018