all postcodes in M4 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M4 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M4 5HD 1 1 53.488274 -2.225076
M4 5HF 29 3 53.489342 -2.226107
M4 5HU 4 4 53.48672 -2.229062
M4 5JD 20 9 53.484101 -2.235754
M4 5JE 7 1 53.483948 -2.235436
M4 5JJ 8 5 53.484903 -2.233616
M4 5JN 8 5 53.485164 -2.233331
M4 5JQ 7 2 53.485336 -2.233786
M4 5JU 6 5 53.486077 -2.235159
M4 5JW 8 8 53.485461 -2.233302
M4 5JY 1 1 53.485728 -2.235461
M4 5JZ 4 4 53.485261 -2.234341
M4 5LA 26 0 53.484893 -2.234899
M4 5LB 12 0 53.484839 -2.234278
M4 5LX 22 0 53.484639 -2.231492
M4 5WD 1 0 53.486157 -2.232299
M4 5DF 6 53.486098 -2.2348
M4 5AJ 1 1 53.484208 -2.231324
M4 5AL 10 0 53.48428 -2.231234
M4 5BW 0 53.483523 -2.227462