all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 1RA 2 0 53.494623 -2.173392
M40 1RD 7 0 53.494887 -2.172596
M40 1RE 12 0 53.494518 -2.172564
M40 1RF 7 0 53.494795 -2.173726
M40 1RG 9 0 53.494671 -2.173062
M40 1RH 12 0 53.493784 -2.170572
M40 1RJ 9 0 53.493496 -2.170721
M40 1RL 6 0 53.496335 -2.172059
M40 1RN 6 0 53.49585 -2.172012
M40 1RT 40 0 53.495142 -2.176169
M40 1RW 6 0 53.496149 -2.175948
M40 1RX 6 0 53.495771 -2.176262
M40 1RY 10 0 53.496922 -2.176071
M40 1UA 8 0 53.495641 -2.173413
M40 1UB 15 0 53.495317 -2.173819
M40 1UD 2 0 53.493937 -2.169214
M40 1UE 6 0 53.494972 -2.169853
M40 1UF 5 0 53.49517 -2.169417
M40 1UG 3 0 53.49628 -2.172632
M40 1UH 3 0 53.496109 -2.172601