all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 1NZ 12 1 53.499199 -2.174181
M40 1PA 17 0 53.498678 -2.174149
M40 1PB 8 0 53.498891 -2.174284
M40 1PD 14 1 53.501082 -2.17143
M40 1PE 3 1 53.499119 -2.172597
M40 1PF 32 3 53.499778 -2.171983
M40 1PG 41 0 53.50054 -2.173388
M40 1PH 30 0 53.500092 -2.17227
M40 1PJ 28 0 53.500679 -2.170177
M40 1PL 59 0 53.501611 -2.172096
M40 1PN 20 0 53.501524 -2.170151
M40 1PP 9 0 53.498643 -2.173591
M40 1PQ 25 0 53.499901 -2.173461
M40 1PR 22 0 53.493969 -2.17312
M40 1PS 8 0 53.494132 -2.172698
M40 1PT 43 0 53.493566 -2.172259
M40 1PU 18 0 53.493959 -2.173889
M40 1PW 30 0 53.499954 -2.172705
M40 1PY 12 0 53.500995 -2.169304
M40 1PZ 5 0 53.498796 -2.173275