all postcodes in M44 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M44 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M44 5EP 7 0 53.419597 -2.449316
M44 5EQ 4 0 53.420292 -2.448661
M44 5ER 14 0 53.419853 -2.445948
M44 5ES 11 0 53.422888 -2.446672
M44 5ET 6 0 53.425495 -2.44676
M44 5EU 11 0 53.423914 -2.441627
M44 5EW 2 2 53.4323 -2.424164
M44 5EX 26 0 53.424739 -2.439739
M44 5EZ 3 0 53.431716 -2.431849
M44 5FA 29 0 53.421063 -2.444336
M44 5FB 38 0 53.420565 -2.447897
M44 5FD 38 0 53.421336 -2.445813
M44 5FE 30 0 53.424294 -2.445618
M44 5FF 50 0 53.425103 -2.443324
M44 5FG 10 0 53.420791 -2.445085
M44 5FH 1 0 53.424542 -2.439571
M44 5FJ 12 0 53.425218 -2.441339
M44 5FL 10 0 53.424833 -2.441034
M44 5FN 6 0 53.426921 -2.442711
M44 5FP 12 0 53.428217 -2.444546