all postcodes in M44 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M44 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M44 5JQ 19 0 53.43075 -2.440418
M44 5JR 24 0 53.431118 -2.44277
M44 5JS 16 1 53.431237 -2.442305
M44 5JT 19 0 53.43504 -2.44689
M44 5JU 6 0 53.446334 -2.455289
M44 5JW 22 0 53.4294 -2.440796
M44 5JX 14 0 53.437671 -2.459427
M44 5JY 2 0 53.431112 -2.441459
M44 5LF 1 1 53.427415 -2.430571
M44 5LG 2 0 53.452361 -2.443968
M44 5LH 7 2 53.437925 -2.432258
M44 5LJ 4 1 53.440533 -2.436952
M44 5LN 2 1 53.444914 -2.437838
M44 5LP 1 0 53.44333 -2.434045
M44 5LQ 1 0 53.44921 -2.440971
M44 5LR 1 1 53.456088 -2.447774
M44 5LT 2 0 53.458911 -2.447683
M44 5LU 2 0 53.462564 -2.453247
M44 5LW 2 0 53.45236 -2.4368
M44 5LY 2 0 53.456974 -2.433685