all postcodes in M45 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M45 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M45 6EH 27 0 53.54432 -2.279052
M45 6EJ 23 0 53.544844 -2.277773
M45 6EL 18 0 53.544532 -2.284381
M45 6EN 32 0 53.543742 -2.283893
M45 6EP 9 1 53.545608 -2.277884
M45 6EW 14 0 53.544415 -2.280426
M45 6EX 12 0 53.543984 -2.280227
M45 6FA 23 0 53.548769 -2.290476
M45 6FB 8 0 53.548603 -2.288151
M45 6FD 20 0 53.548882 -2.288319
M45 6FE 18 0 53.548737 -2.28865
M45 6FN 7 0 53.545191 -2.279149
M45 6FW 19 1 53.545067 -2.278257
M45 6FY 4 0 53.545388 -2.279693
M45 6GE 7 5 53.548649 -2.294503
M45 6GF 17 0 53.549013 -2.293602
M45 6GG 4 1 53.549146 -2.294282
M45 6GN 16 0 53.55028 -2.297052
M45 6GP 8 0 53.550524 -2.296526
M45 6HA 1 1 53.53444 -2.287119