all postcodes in M45 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M45 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M45 6HE 1 1 53.548828 -2.295472
M45 6HG 2 2 53.547791 -2.292626
M45 6JG 3 1 53.545207 -2.290721
M45 6NJ 6 0 53.542965 -2.270261
M45 6NL 5 0 53.543281 -2.269523
M45 6NR 33 0 53.543206 -2.270715
M45 6NS 45 0 53.543593 -2.270567
M45 6NT 42 0 53.543526 -2.272603
M45 6QA 94 0 53.549185 -2.29297
M45 6QE 3 3 53.548034 -2.293052
M45 6QF 14 8 53.54848 -2.293883
M45 6QJ 1 1 53.548041 -2.293382
M45 6QW 12 0 53.550047 -2.296794
M45 6QZ 10 0 53.548411 -2.293251
M45 6RB 8 0 53.542801 -2.270954
M45 6SB 8 0 53.538787 -2.280887
M45 6TA 8 1 53.539254 -2.281147
M45 6TB 11 4 53.539645 -2.283141
M45 6TD 42 1 53.540023 -2.279265
M45 6TE 23 1 53.53952 -2.2789